“拘束の1人殺害”とする画像 ネットに投稿
“拘束の1人殺害”とする画像 ネットに投稿
[4064] Posted by buzei at 2015/01/25 00:56:52
オープン | 1 point | Link (3) | Trackback (0) | Comment (1)
オープン | 1 point | Link (3) | Trackback (0) | Comment (1)
イスラム国 ユカワハルナ 日本人 身代金 ISIS 民間軍事会社
「イスラム国」が湯川遥菜さんを殺害か 関連リンク
内戦中のシリアで「イスラム国」が日本人「ユカワハルナ」さんを処刑か | |
欧米や中東の産油国に支援された反政府組織とアサド政権との内戦が続いているシリアで、反政府組織「自由シリア軍」と行動を共にしていた「ユカワハルナ」と名乗る日本人が、シリアとイラクにまたがる地域を「イスラ... |
湯川遥菜さんが殺害されるなか「テロに抗議する」として超党派からなる「和装振興議員連盟」が晴れ着で記念撮影 | |
「イスラム国」に拘束されていた湯川遥菜さんが殺害され、もう一人の後藤健二さんも残り24時間の猶予しかないとする画像と音声がインターネット上に公開される中、超党派からなる「和装振興議員連盟」が国会正面玄関... |
テロに屈せず、後藤さん「イスラム国」に殺害される | |
フリージャーナリストの後藤健二さんを拘束し、その身代わりとしてヨルダンで死刑囚となっているテロ実行犯の釈放を要求していた「イスラム国」によるとみられる後藤健二さんを殺害したとする動画が公開され、後藤健... |
「イスラム国」が湯川遥菜さんを殺害か トラックバック
トラックバックURL :
1 Posted by 名無しさん at 2015/01/25 01:33:12 | |
【速報】イスラム国人質・後藤さんのメッセージ動画 書き起こし http://alfalfalfa.com/archives/7772009.html Japanese Hostage Haruna Yukawa Beheaded, Second Hostage Stipulates New IS Demand in Video https://news.siteintelgroup.com/Jihadist-News/japanese-hostage-haruna-yukawa-beheaded-second-hostage-stipulates-new-is-demand-in-video.html [Voice attributed to Kenji Goto Jogo] I am Kenji Goto Jogo. You have seen the photo of my cellmate Haruna slaughtered in the land of the Islamic Caliphate. You were warned. You were given a deadline and so my captives acted upon their words. [Prime Minister Shinzo] Abe, you killed Haruna. You did not take the threats of my captors seriously and you did not act within the 72 hours. Rinko, my beloved wife, I love you, and I miss my two daughters. Please don't let Abe do the same for my case. Don't give up. You along with our family, friends, and my colleagues in the independent press must continue to pressure our government. Their demand is easier. They are being fair. They no longer want money. So you don't need to worry about funding terrorists. They are just demanding the release of their imprisoned sister Sajida al-Rishawi. It is simple. You give them Sajida and I will be released. At the moment, it actually looks possible and our government are indeed a stone throw away. How? Our government representatives are ironically in Jordan, where their sister Sajida is held prisoner by the Jordanian regime. Again, I would like to stress how easy it is to save my life. You bring them their sister from the Jordanian regime and I will be released immediately. Me for her. Rinko, these could be my last hours in this world and I may be a dead man speaking. Don't let these be my last words you ever hear. Don't let Abe also kill me. |
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