[掲示板]2ちゃんねる(2ch.net) - コメント[2]
2ちゃんねる(2ch.net)は、1999年5月にひろゆき氏によって開設された、「ハッキング」から「今晩のおかず」までを標榜する、様々な分野をカバーした匿名掲示板で、ユーザーよって作成された2ちゃんねる語と言われる独... 全文を表示
The Louboutin sale is officially on for starlets, stylists, and—per an eyewitness—"women with New Jersey accents." Our tipster tried to crash this morning but found entry utterly impossible without a place on the RSVP list and a valid ID. Other informants who tried to RSVP without an official invitation told us they were politely rebuffed, suggesting that Louboutin staffers are cross-checking their invite list with the responses.